
Secone life

funny pictures
see more crazy cat pics Linden labs have change there trade mark police totally, this time again a major change with out any prior notice and discussion, this time also in a way that make you wonder if they ever think over there. It's been massive comment ed in the blog spare, Codie, Codie, Gwyn, Ian Bettridge, Ian Betteridge, Grace McD, Jennyfur, Gwyneth, Prokofy, Rheta, Zoe, Zoe, Tiessa, Art, Rheta, Vint, Vint, Tina, Laetizia, Raul, Raul, Melissa, Crap, Crap, Daltonic, Wagner (New World Notes), Looker.

The clarification form Jeska Linden, and the FAQ she points at are inconstant and said different stuff. In answer to the announce Jeska write: "it’s OK to say: “My store in the Second Life world accepts", and links to the brand center, that states: "This is NOT OK: a Second Life, my Second Life" and "This is OK: the Second Life® virtual world, the Second Life® world".

This branding stuff, need to be taken back to the drawing board, this total change form the fan-kit rules (that still is available for download if I got Vint right).

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